design school in florence, italy
FIDI had been offering the option during 'the state of emergency' to follow classes online but currently we only offer in person ‘face-to-face’ programs in Florence.
What is the difference between a diploma and degree?Having a degree will definitely give you more flexibility in your career options. FIDI is one of the only design schools in Florence held totally in the English language offering a Bachelor Degree.
How can I transfer into the bachelor program?Students who have previously studied design may request to transfer their studies to begin at the 2nd or 3rd year. To request to transfer previous study, you should send a complete application with portfolio. The portfolio must clearly specify where each of the projects were completed in which school, at which year. In addition there is a evaluation fee for past study.
Where is the best place to find Housing?Florence Institute students are free to choose their own housing as they wish. For housing options and general costs, please see this link. Our intent is to inform the students of the best and most economical choices in Florence so that they can make their own decisions. There is always a housing orientation the week before classes begin can meet one another and find apartments together. Most students find apartments in just 1 or 2 days of arrival.
Yes, although the Institute is well equipped with computers, it is required that you bring a laptop computer with mouse for studio time, rendering, drafting and other assignments. For best performance, computers should be adaptable for use of rendering and graphics programs. We suggest for Interior Design students to purchase of PCs with 64 bit Windows operating systems, i7 or i9 processors, a minimum of 16GB memory. We recommend PC computers for Interior Design Students. MAC or PC computers can be used for Graphic Design students. Students should budget an additional 250 euro per year for software.
I have yet to graduate from my current school, can I apply now?Students who have yet to graduate can still apply to the institute. In this situation you should send your current transcripts. Then after graduation, the final transcripts would then be sent. Early enrolment is encouraged especially when the student is seeking financial aid.
Should graphic students enrolled for photography bring cameras?Although the Institute has a few cameras to lend out, its suggested that you bring a SLR camera. We suggest the purchase of a basic Canon EOS 2000D or 4000D body together with a Canon EFS 18-55mm zoom lens. For higher end mirrorless models, we reccomend the Canon EOS R50 or EOS R50 Mark II.
Will I have access to the Internet?To connect to the Internet, the Institute provides students with a wireless access point. You may not be able to access the Internet from your apartment unless specifically provided by your landlord. Apartment owners in Italy refer to an internet connection as 'ADSL'. There is also free Internet access provided at many cafés in the area.
Students do not need be enrolled at a school in their own country. Students already enrolled at other schools can 'study abroad' with us but need to have prior approval from their director to transfer credits. Semester abroad students should contact us for a course approval form.
Does FIDI offer courses held in Italian?There is an option for students to conduct their studies using the Italian language. All of the FIDI professors speak Italian and so students can conduct most of their studies using the Italian language. At FIDI there are not ‘group projects’ and so individual meetings each class address the student’s individual design and research proposals. The school has a large selection of digital and printed resources in Italian and bilingual formats. The students can write essays and journals using Italian and give their frontal oral presentations in Italian. Frontal lectures or tours are given in English or Italian with subtitles or translations in accordance with the state rules of education.
What are the exact start dates for and end dates of each semester?For complete information on start dates, schedules, and breaks please see our Admissions section and Calendar.
How long do the courses last?The courses offered are two academic semesters (one year). The academic year is divided into two 15 week semesters: Spring and Fall. You can choose the start date of your course to be either during the Spring or Fall semesters. The Master level courses are one year in duration. With the Academic level you can chose to enrol for one year, two years or three years.
What are the requirements for applying to the Florence Institute?Please read the Admissions page for complete information on the requirements for acceptance. If you have additional questions please contact the registrar.
Is it safe to study in Florence?By European standards, Florence is considered to be generally very safe. Regardless, we recommend that students always be aware of their belongings and not walk alone after dark.